
32.00 €



The publication accompanying the exhibition MARTHA ROSLER. IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER explores the multi-layered work of the U.S. American conceptual artist and pioneer of critical feminism through a variety of important works and iconic series. For her socially critical works, Rosler employs a variety of media such as photography, video, text, and expansive installations. Her source material for the photomontages are often newspapers and magazines, or research from the Internet. In magazine format, a medium central to her collage technique, the publication fans out the exhibition's themes and selection of works in three chapters. In her work, Rosler poses questions about relationships of violence and power and social injustice. She critically examines sociopolitical developments, investigates the vocabulary of media representations of war, the body, and the socially anchored image of women. In the catalog, Rosler's works are textually accompanied by contributions from the curators of the exhibition, the U.S. American art historian Nicholas M. Morgan, and last but not least, the artist herself.



Discover the details in Martha Rosler's image and text montages that have provoked thought about social issues for decades and are also relevant to our very present today!


CATALOG Martha Rosler. In One Way or Another edited by Sebastian Baden and Luise Leyer, with contributions by Sebastian Baden, Luise Leyer, Nicholas C. Morgan and Martha Rosler, as well as a foreword by the director of the SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt Sebastian Baden, German-English edition, 144 pages, approx. 200 illustrations, 23 x 30 cm, softcover, DCV Verlag, ISBN 978-3-96912-124-5, 24 € (SCHIRN), 32 € (bookstore).